These Furnace Repairs Are Bad News

June 5th, 2023

Your furnace has its quirks, it has a few picadillos that it garners over time, but the repairs it requires will change as it gets older. Certain repairs can be disastrous, especially with a combustion-based system like this.

Let’s go through some critical furnace repair in Conway that should raise some alarms in your head. We’ll walk you through them and what to do.

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Odd Noises from Your AC? Here’s What You Need to Know

May 22nd, 2023

You know what your air conditioner is supposed to sound like. It’s basically supposed to blend into the background and be quiet. Unless the house is dead silent, you shouldn’t even hear the air vents. But now you notice something odd, a noise you haven’t heard before, and it’s coming from your air conditioner.

What is it? And does it mean you need AC repair in Little Rock? Let’s go over some of the most common sounds that your air conditioner could be making and what they mean.

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3 Main Reasons Your AC Needs Repairs

May 8th, 2023

Your AC holds up against a lot of stress and wear and tear, but it’s eventually going to need some help. It’s not always easy to know when you need AC repair–sometimes you have to look for precursors before your AC breaks down. That’s what we’re here to help you with today.

Before you call for air conditioner repair in Conway, let’s look at the signals that your air conditioner is sending your way so you know if there’s an issue or not.

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What You Need to Know About Getting a New AC

April 24th, 2023

When it comes to getting a new AC, there are many factors to consider. With a variety of options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to decide which type of AC is right for your needs.

You need air conditioning installation in Benton, but with your own research and understanding of your options, you can ensure that you make the best decision for your home and your family. Here’s what you need to know about getting a new air conditioner installed.

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You Know You Need a New Air Conditioner When…

April 10th, 2023

Your air conditioner has seen better days, but still, you want to hold onto it for as long as possible. With the price of a new air conditioner, we understand–it’s not an expense anyone wants to dish out the money for. But the thing is, there’s a certain point where it’s passed the threshold of no return.

Getting air conditioner replacement can be stressful, which is one of the reasons that we offer financing options for you to get what you need without being burdened with an enormous bill.

So how do you know if your air conditioner is truly on its way out and needs to be replaced, not just repaired? Let’s talk about that.

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Hard Starting in an AC: What It Is, How to Fix It

March 27th, 2023

Hard starting is a common issue that can happen for air conditioners, causing it to struggle and create an odd noise or two. If you hear clicking or buzzing sounds coming from your AC, this could indicate that you’re having a problem with hard starting.

Hard starting often requires air conditioning repair in Conway, AR. if left unchecked, it can lead to serious problems down the line including system failure. Let’s take a closer look at hard starting, what causes it, and how to stop it in its tracks.

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Why a Ductless System Might Be Ideal for Your Home

March 13th, 2023

An online search for “mini split air conditioner near me” may have brought you to this page, which means you’ve already given some thought to installing one of these HVAC systems for your home. 

We don’t know what other type of research you’ve already done into ductless mini systems, but we’d like to go over some of the ways a ductless system might be the right one for your needs. 

Before we do that, we want to clarify what type of system we’re talking about.

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Planning Ahead: How to Prevent AC Repair Problems This Year

February 27th, 2023

You don’t want to run into a malfunctioning air conditioning system in your home on the hottest day of summer. Or on any hot day!

You can always call our technicians for fast AC repair in Little Rock or elsewhere in the Conway area, and you can reach us 24 hours a day.

But we know you’d rather not have the air conditioner malfunction in the first place and trap you with a sweltering house and complaining family.

We’re here to help you dodge inconvenient and uncomfortable AC problems this year. You can take steps to help prevent air conditioning repair problems.

Below are our best tips for planning ahead for trouble-free cooling in your house this summer.

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Is It Already Time for AC Maintenance? Yes, It Is!

February 13th, 2023

It’s still winter here in Arkansas and the weather isn’t warm yet. But we’re already in the middle of February, and we can expect to see warmer weather starting next month, when spring officially begins.

And in the HVAC world, that means it’s time to start thinking about scheduling maintenance for your home’s air conditioning system. It came up fast, didn’t it?

It certainly seems like it, but that’s one of the reasons we always remind our customers about this job—sometimes people let it slip by them until the hot weather has already arrived.

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The Best Ways to Tell You Need Duct Sealing

January 16th, 2023

Leaky ducts are a problem that often lies hidden in a home for a long time. People don’t have easy access to their ductwork, so they tend to assume that all is well with it.

But leaky ducts are a common trouble for HVAC systems and they lead to massive energy loss, uneven heating and cooling, humidity fluctuations, and even indoor air quality contamination.

We’re here to give you the knowledge necessary to detect whether or not you have leaky ductwork. Then you can call our experts for duct sealing in Jacksonville, AR that will restore your ducts to their original airtight condition and ensure your HVAC system always works for you, not against you.

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