Dewees HVAC Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

What to Do When Your Furnace Won’t Turn On

Monday, December 20th, 2021

A failed furnace during one of the coldest days of the year is a major problem, one we hope you won’t have to deal with. Regular professional maintenance before the winter starts helps immensely with permitting a furnace failure, but even the finest maintenance can’t prevent all malfunctions with a heating system.

The good news is that our winters in Conway are rarely so cold that a broken furnace becomes a life-threatening emergency. You’ll still want furnace repair in Little Rock, AR as soon as possible, and our team is ready to help you get your house comfortable once more. Before you call us, there are several steps you can take to see if there’s a simple explanation for the furnace isn’t coming on. We’ve listed these troubleshooting steps below.

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Replacing a Heater, Part 2: What Type of Heater Should You Get?

Monday, December 13th, 2021

In our last post, we discussed when to decide to replace an aging heater. But making the decision to replace a heating system is only step one. Now you must think about what type of heater to install.

“But aren’t all heaters basically the same?” you might ask. At one time, this was semi-true, but today you’ll find a range of heating systems available with unique features and methods of delivering comfort. We’ll look over the different options to help you get a better understanding of the choice ahead of you.

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Replacing a Heater, Part 1: Do You Need a New Heater This Fall?

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Getting a new heater for your home is a big job, but the good news is that you don’t need to go it alone. In fact, you shouldn’t go it alone! It takes professionals to accurately handle a heater replacement in Bryant, AR, and our technicians are the ones you can trust for the job. 

We’re going to address replacing your heater in two posts. First, we’ll look at how to know if it’s time to retire your old heater. In the next post, we’ll talk about choosing the type of heater to replace your old one. 

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November Is a Great Time to Schedule Heating Maintenance

Monday, November 1st, 2021

We’re sure that many of you who live in the Conway area are more than ready for the cooler weather to kick in. And we’re getting there! But the cooler weather of fall eventually becomes the colder weather of winter. Even if winter is your favorite time of the year, you’ll need to have a working central heating system in your house to help you get the most out of the season. 

This is where Dewees HVAC can help you! We offer more for our customers than just installing new heating systems and handling heating repair in Conway, AR. We want to help you prevent heating problems and keep your current heater working for as long as possible. Our professional heating maintenance service can help make this possible. It also stops many future repair problems and keeps your heater running at high efficiency so you can lower your utility bills. 

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Ways to Tell You May Need a New Heater for the Coming Winter

Monday, October 18th, 2021

October is a month to start considering your heating needs for the approaching winter. The true cold weather is still some distance off, but the mild weather of this time of fall is ideal for having heating maintenance and other important jobs taken care of. One service you might need this fall is getting a new heating system.

You might already have suspicions that your current heater is no longer up to the challenge of winter and it’s best to retire it. This is a big decision, and you don’t want to make it hastily. We can help! In fact, you will need professionals to take care of any heating installation in Little Rock, AR, so consult our technicians early if you’re unsure about the condition of your current heater. 

Below we’ll examine some of the tell-tale signs of a heating system ready for replacement.

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Can a Gas Furnace Become Dangerous?

Monday, March 8th, 2021

This is a question people often ask when they’re considering installing a gas furnace or if they already have one but have noticed odd behavior from it. We understand why people might have worries: natural gas combustion creates carbon monoxide (CO), a colorless, odorless, and highly toxic gas. Any use of natural gas in a home has some possibility of creating either CO or fire hazards. 

This is much different than saying a gas furnace is a “dangerous” appliance. We want to assure you that if you use a gas furnace in Conway, AR for your home comfort, you aren’t in serious danger from the furnace provided you take care of standard upkeep on it. This means annual heating maintenance from professionals and always calling promptly for repairs when something seems wrong with the furnace. 

The short version: Yes, a gas furnace can become dangerous, but it’s easy to keep it running safely.

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Why Isn’t the Furnace Heating the Home Evenly?

Monday, January 11th, 2021

Now that you’re running your furnace regularly for the colder weather of winter, you expect to get heat all around the house. That’s why you have a central furnace, after all! Not every room will get to the same temperature because of the way heat rises and other factors, such as insulation. However, you have a good idea what an even spread of heat feels like when your furnace is on.

And right now … you’re not feeling it. Some places in the house are colder than others, and you’re hearing complaints from family. People are looking for space heaters, and you’re wondering if maybe you should crank up the thermostat.

Don’t do that: uneven heating is often a sign you need to have heating repair in Conway, AR from our pros. There are several different problems that may lie at the heart of the issue:

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When to Replace Your Furnace Rather Than Repair It

Monday, December 28th, 2020

One of the big questions for home comfort is “repair or replace?” It’s the “to be or not to be” of the HVAC world, but thankfully it has much easier answers. With the help of our Conway, AR furnace professionals, you can soon find out if it’s a better choice to leave aside the repairs for your old furnace and schedule a replacement with us. We’re dedicated to always doing right by our customers, no matter how hard it is, and we’ll provide you with honest answers about your heating system.

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Be Wary of These Gas Furnace Sounds

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Although furnaces are built to run quieter than ever, there’s no way to completely eliminate the sounds of the blower fans and the gas burners. In fact, people often take comfort in these gentle noises as a simple part of the soundscape of the winter. Maybe not as comforting as the crackle of the fire in a hearth, but something similar. 

Then there are the odd sounds that gas furnaces can make—ones that aren’t cozy. They may be loud, sudden, or just strange, but they’re often the way your gas furnace warns you that’s something wrong that may require calling professionals. (And you absolutely must have professionals when it comes to repair services for your furnace in Conway, AR. Amateur work on a gas furnace can create safety hazards, and in many jurisdictions only certified technicians are legally permitted to do the job.)

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Tips for Lowering Heating Bills This Coming Season

Monday, November 16th, 2020

We’re not in winter yet, but the cooler weather will affect our homes soon—and that means turning on our heating systems to stay comfortable.

Are you dreading having to do this because you don’t like the way your utility bills start to rise? That’s a common reaction. Heating costs money; there’s no way to avoid that. But you may be spending more than necessary because of locked-in habits, equipment problems, or simple mistakes.

We’re experts at not only cooling homes in the Conway area, but heating them. We prize efficiency, and we have advice you can use this fall and winter to pull those heating costs down to something reasonable.

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