Dewees HVAC Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Are Ductless Mini Splits Effective for Home Heating?

Monday, December 5th, 2022

You probably had your first introduction to ductless mini splits when you saw the air handler for one hanging on the wall of a restaurant, bar, or other commercial establishment.

These HVAC systems have been popular in homes in Japan and Europe since the 1980s, but they made their first inroads in the US in businesses. Now they’re beginning to enter US household use as well. You may be in a position where you’re considering mini split ductless systems in Jacksonville, AR as a potential installation for your house.

People who are new to ductless mini splits have many questions about them, and we’re going to answer one of the most common here: “Can a ductless mini split work as an effective home heating system?”

The answer is…


Okay, maybe you want more info than that. Let’s get into the details below.

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Why Won’t the Furnace Heat Up My House Enough?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

The temperatures are dropping and home furnaces are firing up to keep people cozy through the coming holiday gatherings. If you’re planning a big get-together for this Thanksgiving, you want to make sure your furnace is able to do the job and keep everyone happy.

If you’ve noticed that your furnace isn’t delivering the level of heat you expect from it, you may have a problem that calls for furnace repair in Conway, AR. Don’t try to ignore the problem by pushing up the thermostat to warmer and warmer settings: this isn’t a solution and may make the problem worse. 

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How Long Can a Home Furnace Last?

Monday, November 7th, 2022

As winter approaches, you’ll start to focus more and more on your home’s heating system. If your house is like the majority in our area, you have a furnace to handle your winter comfort needs. You may have had your current furnace for many years, and this prompts a good question to ask yourself before the cold arrives: How long can you expect this furnace to last?

Below we’ll look into the question of furnace longevity, what can affect it, and when to know it’s time to replace your home’s furnace.

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Signs You Need to Repair Your Commercial Heating

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Proper climate control is essential for almost all businesses, whether restaurants, stores, office space, or manufacturing. Unfortunately, most business owners and operators don’t think much about their commercial HVAC systems until they really need them or something goes catastrophically wrong with them. 

We want to help you avoid major problems with your commercial HVAC in Sherwood, AR this coming winter. If you know what to look for, you can detect early problems with your commercial heating and contact our technicians to look into it. (This is also a reason why we recommend regular HVAC maintenance in fall, as it gives us a chance to detect issues with equipment before they develop into full-blown malfunctions.) 

Here are the most common warning signs of commercial heating that needs repair…

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What’s the Next Step for Your Home Heating System Come Fall?

Monday, April 25th, 2022

As we start to focus on the warmer weather and the coming summer season, it’s easy to stop thinking about heating our homes. Yes, we may still need to have our heating systems run for a few more days before they shut down for the season, but most of our preparations for home comfort will center on our air conditioning systems. (This is a good reminder to schedule your AC maintenance before the summer arrives.) 

But we want our customers to think a bit about the future of their heating systems as we transition from the seasons. Ask yourself: What’s the next step for my heater when the fall arrives? We’ll look into what this question means and some of its answers below, as well as what actions you can expect to take.

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Don’t Skip a Furnace Repair Even in Spring

Monday, April 11th, 2022

The weather is warming up, and you’re probably not thinking much about your home’s furnace. It’s soon going to be the season of the air conditioner.

But we want to dwell on the furnace for one post more because there’s something important you need to know about your furnace before it shuts down for the summer. And this is … don’t skip any furnace repair just because it’s already spring. If you’ve recently run into problems with your furnace, you’ll feel tempted to procrastinate with calling us for furnace repair in Conway, AR. We understand why you might feel this way, but we urge you not to ignore the problem and call us as soon as you can to rectify it. 

We’ll explain why furnace repair is important, no matter the season.

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The Nonstop Furnace: Why It Runs for So Long

Monday, March 28th, 2022

A common problem homeowners may face with their furnace is when the furnace keeps shutting off early, failing to complete a full heating cycle. 

But the opposite problem can occur as well: a furnace that runs for too long, seeming to never cycle down. This creates a huge energy waste, makes a house to hot, and puts so much strain on the furnace that it will wear down rapidly. If you’ve encountered a “runaway furnace,” you’re right to feel concerned. In most situations, a furnace that’s running for too long will need professional furnace repair in Maumelle, AR.

We’ll look closer into this problem and the reasons it occurs.

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How Your Gas Furnace Runs Safely

Monday, February 14th, 2022

Sometimes, people feel edgy about using a natural gas furnace in their home. They might think a gas furnace is an accident waiting to happen, either causing a fire because of uncontrolled combustion or sending toxic carbon monoxide into the house. Although these problems can occur, they’re rare—especially if a furnace receives routine maintenance inspections and tune-ups each year. When we inspect a furnace during maintenance, we check carefully for any potential hazards and then fix them. For older furnaces, we may recommend a replacement.

We want you to feel safe in your home with your furnace, which is why we’ve created this post about the safety features of gas furnaces. You’ll always need annual maintenance, but these features will prevent most possible safety problems so you can enjoy the powerful warmth from your gas furnace in peace.

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Common Furnace Repair Problems to Watch For

Monday, January 17th, 2022

We’re experts when it comes to furnace repair in Conway, AR, and we’ve seen our share of furnace problems when customers call us to help them stay warm during the winter. We know you’d like to get through the season without furnace troubles, but even with the best regular maintenance service available, you may still run into a malfunctioning heating system. The best way to prepare is to know some of the more common problems so you can catch the signs early. Then you can call us before you’re left completely in the cold. 

Below we’re going to talk about a few of the most common furnace issues to keep a watch for. Count on us to fix any problem.

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High Heating Costs? We’ve Got Several Ways to Change That!

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

It costs money to heat a home, the same way it does to cool it. You’re used to seeing the seasonal change in your energy bills, both gas and electric, as your HVAC system does more work. 

But if you feel that the heating costs you currently pay are higher than they should be … well, you’re probably right. There are many ways that heating costs can start to rise even when the price of energy and your usage remain the same. If you’d like to lower the cost of heating your home this winter, we can help with these tips.

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