Dewees HVAC Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Changing the Air Filter: Protecting Your Furnace and Enhancing Efficiency

Monday, January 15th, 2024

Regularly changing your furnace’s air filter is a simple yet crucial task that significantly impacts the performance and lifespan of your heating system. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the multiple reasons why routine air filter changes are essential, highlighting the benefits of maintaining a clean filter for both your furnace and indoor air quality.

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Furnace Shutting Down Prematurely? Here’s Why

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Your furnace has a lot of components that work tirelessly, but some of them don’t receive proper attention. Sure, they’re handled during maintenance appointments, but most homeowners don’t have a running list of every single component that’s touched during that maintenance visit. So what’s causing your furnace to shut down before it’s due?

There are a lot of different types of furnaces, but through all of our furnace repair in Little Rock, AR, we’ve seen that many are gas-powered, and as a result they have flues. If your furnace has an integrated flue, it could be part of the problem. Here’s what you need to know.

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How Your Furnace’s Air Filter Controls More Than You Think

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Your furnace is a forced air heating system. That means it needs a constant supply of fresh air to properly function, otherwise you end up with a machine that runs at half capacity. Or worse: it begins to develop problems that it otherwise wouldn’t, causing you more money over the course of its lifespan.

Getting timely furnace repair in Conway, AR is how you get ahead of problems before they compound and cost you more money. One of the best ways to do that is by changing out your air filter on a regular basis, and today, we’re going to explain why that’s so important.

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How Your Furnace’s Air Filter Controls More Than You Think

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Your furnace’s air filter seems like a basic part of the whole setup, but its role is so critical that you can’t afford to forget about it. You know it catches dust and debris so it doesn’t get into the air you breathe, but beyond that, it does so much more.

One of the most common reasons homeowners need furnace repair in Conway, AR is because they don’t switch out their air filters enough, and that causes problems. Let’s walk through the different ways your air filter controls your furnace.

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What Can Go Wrong During Heating Installation? Well, This Can

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Getting a new heater installed seems very straightforward, but there’s a lot of nuance that goes into it that you might not see on the surface. Heating installation has its difficulties that may not be apparent without the experience of an installation technician, so let’s cover them for you now so you know what to expect during heating installation in North Little Rock, AR.

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Furnace on the Fritz? It Might be This

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Your furnace is usually reliable, and it appears completely fine, but suddenly it’s not working–at all. You’ve tried toying with the thermostat, changing out the air filter, all the usual suspects, but nothing’s working. That’s because it could be this part that many homeowners don’t even know exists within their furnace.

We’re talking about the flame sensor: a small sensor that acts as a safety feature to help keep your family safe. From time to time, it can get jammed and require furnace repair in Conway. Let’s explain why.

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Furnace Won’t Turn On? Here’s What to Do

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Your furnace is normally reliable, but now it’s running into trouble. You haven’t had the problem before, so what do you do now? You have a few options at your disposal, so don’t panic. We’ll get that home heated up in no time.

You’ll note that many of these may require furnace repair in Little Rock if the situation doesn’t resolve itself. Even if that is the case, we’re here to help. Now let’s try to get that furnace firing up.

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Love Saving Money? Smart Thermostats Can Help

Monday, June 26th, 2023

Home heating and cooling costs are often one of those expenses that we feel powerless to change. We know we need it, otherwise, we’d be miserable, so we just budget for it. But smart thermostats can help you lower your cooling costs and save you time.

No more fiddling with the thermostat and you save money. Sounds great, right? Smart thermostats in Conway, AR learn your cooling behaviors, so while you have to feed it a little bit of data to start, it quickly catches on and adjusts your heating and cooling for you.

Here are a few ways that these little marvels benefit your home and budget and can actually reduce the strain on your air conditioner and heater.

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These Furnace Repairs Are Bad News

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Your furnace has its quirks, it has a few picadillos that it garners over time, but the repairs it requires will change as it gets older. Certain repairs can be disastrous, especially with a combustion-based system like this.

Let’s go through some critical furnace repair in Conway that should raise some alarms in your head. We’ll walk you through them and what to do.

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Reasons You’re Getting Cold Spots When the Heater Is Running

Monday, December 19th, 2022

When your home’s central heating system comes on in the winter, you expect it to heat the home. And, under normal circumstances, that’s what it will do: send warmth around the rooms through a ventilation system so you enjoy an even spread of comfort all throughout the house. 

There will be a few temperature fluctuations in rooms that are difficult to avoid, such as places that have less insulation or rooms higher in the house that may get a bit warmer from rising heat. But you can still expect an effective heating system to provide a generally even distribution of warmth.

Except that now you’re discovering cold spots in your house when the heater is running. That’s not right, and we’re here to help you find out why so you can solve the problem with the proper heating repair or basic troubleshooting.

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